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Fairy Tail Fanon Wiki
This article, Weapons Magic, is written by GloamingEve.
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Weapons Magic – Infobox
Buki no Mahō

Weapons Magic (武器の魔法, Buki no Mahō) is one of the most common and versatile Holder Magics in Earth Land.


Weapons Magic grants its users the ability to enchant and transmute the properties of the weapons they wield. It is a magic with numerous applications including elemental enchantment, telekinetic control of weapons, and changing the shape or length of weapons. Casters use these techniques to modify their weaponry in the thick of battle to give them the upper hand or to unleash powerful magical attacks from their weapons. The fundamental invocation of Weapons Magic requires the caster to exert their magic power into or around the weapon in question, which can later be shaped or changed with the properties they wish. Weapons Magic is immensely vast, the limits to which are only bound by the caster's imagination and the usage of the weapon itself.

Major Techniques[]

  • Magic Infusion (魔法注入, Mahō Chūnyū): The first of the three major branches of Weapons Magic. Magic Infusion allows the caster to transform the energy they channel into their weapon into various effects such as producing elements or even enhancing a blade or arrow's piercing power with pure magic power.
  • Infinite Control (無限の制御, Mugen no Seigyo): The second of the three major branches of Weapons Magic. Infinite Control is the name given to the ability to telekinetically control one or more weapons, allowing the user to instantly recall a gun to their hand or launch a volley of spears at their foes.
  • Myriad Transmutation (無数の変容, Musū no Hen'yō): The third of the three major branches of Weapons Magic. Myriad Transmutation allows the caster to change the weapon itself, lengthening or strengthening a blade. They can even change the material of a weapon with enough skill, such as turning bullets into silver bullets to combat unholy foes.

Known Forms of Weapons Magic[]


  • Written by GloamingEve as an expansion and adaptation of Sword Magic to various weaponry without creating an individual page for each weapon in existance.
  • Instead of writing spells, the author chose to write broad techniques that comprise the many ways we've seen Sword Magic and Guns Magic be used in canon to base unique spells on.